Benefits of Yoga for Children

Yoga is the new “hot” class for kids. Many people think that only adults can participate in yoga, this is not true. Imagine how great to learn lifetime skills like anger management, stress management, self discipline, focus, and high self-esteem at a very young age.

The exact origins of Yoga are unknown but Yoga is considered to be the oldest physical discipline in existence. The word Yoga comes from the Sanskrit word “Yuj” meaning to yoke, join or unite. This implies joining or integrating all aspects of the individual – body with mind and mind with soul – to achieve a happy, balanced and useful life.

Yoga teaches children self-awareness through breathing and movement. By increasing their breath awareness and showing them the benefits of proper breathing, yoga can teach them how to help themselves be calm and still.

Children have fun identifying with different yoga poses which strengthen the body and improves flexibility and balance.

Breathing and visual techniques help children learn to calm down and focus. It cultivates confidence and self-discipline. Many find that yoga, when practiced regularly, helps children become more aware of their thoughts and feelings or emotional intelligence. From this awareness, changes and growth in new and positive directions can blossom.

Yoga can be very helpful for children with ADD or ADHD. It allows children to use their bodies to help their minds. Doing poses using an across the body motion which helps the brain to focus. Also learning balancing postures teaches children how to have concentration and focus that then they can translate to the classroom.  When children discover a peaceful place inside themselves than it is easier to receive more knowledge.  There is increasing research supporting the use of yoga in the schools.

Meg’s classes include yoga poses and much more. In the younger children classes we sing songs and read stories while doing yoga poses, play mindful games, and have quiet time.  The older children classes include sequences of yoga poses, yoga games, and mindfulness. The awareness of breath linked to movement allows children to balance the brain for better learning, prevent sports injuries, relax and remove stress from their lives.  The quiet time at the end of class allows the children to feel a safe quiet place inside themselves which improves emotional awareness and self esteem.